This passage felt very appropriate as I read it today during the crazy snowstorm here. ❄️ #bombcyclone
This passage felt very appropriate as I read it today during the crazy snowstorm here. ❄️ #bombcyclone
When you are stuck in your house and there is no power or heat, you find all the blankets you possess, all the books you want to read, and you settle down for a good time #snowstorm2018 #noreastern #bombcyclone #blanketsandread
Doing some reading with my #kittenlitten snuggle buddy while avoiding going outside in the #bombcyclone.
The Trespasser was much better than the previous novel I read in this series (#2 The Likeness is the only other one I‘ve read, I think this is number 6)! Some interesting twists and turns, but some I found predictable. Enjoyable read for a cold day stuck inside.
And one more shot of this crazy storm. This is five minutes down the road. The ocean is up over the wall and pouring into the streets. No one has ever seen it like this! #Blizzardof2018 #BombCyclone
It's a winter wonderland in Boston! ❄️☕ #blizzardof2018 #bombcyclone