Wow! This is incredible! Thank you so much @Kaye Now the fun begins!
Book mail for my almost preschooler! I always wanted an animal book like this growing up but they‘re so expensive! When I saw the 55% off price tag on Amazon.cn I had to grab it!
Allow me to #introducemyself for #booksandshelfiesM18
My name is Aimee and I am 30 years old. I have 3 cats. I have an amazing girlfriend, Netty. I am a dork! I love spending times with my friends and family. I am a huge tea addict (snob), foodie, adventurer with the travel bug. I love to plan things, play board games, and discover new things. I'm a book worm so B&N and the library are my happy place along with any tea place and Disneyland
I have somehow managed to create my #LitsyAtoZ list exclusively with books I already own that have been living in Mount TBR. It was close at the end to find a book for X, but then I remembered that I have Malcolm X's autobiography. I feel pretty sure X is his last name... 😂
OMG! Thank you so much @GondorGirl !!! I LOVE my #geekygraphicnovelswap goodies! Looking forwards to reading these--they all look so awesome! And so many awesome gifts too! @JenlovesJT47 thanks for setting up this swap 😊
I just sat down to open my AMAZING #Halloweengoespostal package from @BookishTrish !!! I LOVE IT! Thank you so much! My son is going to love "Room on the Broom" and I've been wishing for "The Girl With all the Gifts," "A Study in Charlotte" & I love Jules Verne so very excited to read these books! I love the socks and I am a huge dark chocolate fan too! I really can't thank you enough! Thanks again to @BookishMarginalia for organizing this!
Amazing! I hit 5k woootttt! Hugs to everyone.
I am apologizing in advance for the multiple posts, but I just HAVE TO!!!! @Wife OMGosh!!!! My #summersantagoespostal is Ah-MAZ-ing! AMAZING!!!!! I wasn't able to open it until just now & have been dying all day. I feel like you have known me for years. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! 💖💖💖 @BookishMarginalia
At daycare my daughter and others were pulling down their pants in class (🙄) which prompted me to start having the private parts conversation.
I got several books from the library but this was the only one I shared with her. While it doesn't address the spectrum of gender identities, it does leave the door open for the conversation. My 5yo asked for it often and her father and I got more comfortable saying the proper genital names aloud to her.