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Evan‘s first job as The Nowhere Man. Good short story. My only complaint is that Amazon says it‘s 83 pages. The download may be 83 pages, but only because 3/4 of it is an extended preview of the second full length novel. This short story was SHORT.

TrishB I‘m not a fan of short stories!! 7y
DGRachel @TrishB I‘m not usually either, but this one was more ridiculous than most. I got to the end and was like “where‘s the rest of it?” Time to download The Nowhere Man, I think. I desperately need a good book that will grab and hold my attention. 7y
TrishB It‘s a great read 👍🏻 7y
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Andrew65 @TrishB Me either, not enough to get stuck into. 7y
Andrew65 @DGRachel Hope you finally find a book you love. 😊 7y
DGRachel @TrishB I figure I can‘t go wrong with a #blameitontrishb pick 😘 7y
DGRachel @Andrew65 Thanks! Me, too. It‘s not like I don‘t have plenty of choices. 😂 7y
Andrew65 @DGRachel Sometimes we have too many choices. If I don‘t plan ahead I Sometimes go into mind freeze when choosing a new book. Sometimes will read first page of 10 books before deciding on one and some I‘ve dismissed become favourites when I do eventually read them. Definitely a mood reader. 🙄 7y
DGRachel @Andrew65 That‘s happened to me, too. I get so overwhelmed by the choices that I can‘t make a decision. 7y
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