Shetland - 💙💙💙💙💙
Holy Cow - 😕 #bestandworst
#marchstats #marchwrapup
Shetland - 💙💙💙💙💙
Holy Cow - 😕 #bestandworst
#marchstats #marchwrapup
#Hour42 #bestandworst
Last challenge for #24in48. I‘m quite particular about the editions I buy, so I don‘t really own covers that I hate - they‘re ALL beautiful!! One of the worst I could find was Jilly Cooper. This cover just makes me laugh! It‘s one I haven‘t read yet, (although it comes highly recommended). But, I don‘t think it‘s one I‘d comfortably read out & about - if I did I‘m sure it would be a great convo starter! ☺️ @24in48
Best cover: My illistrated edition of Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland. I love Camille Rose Garcia‘s (@crgstudios) work! She also illustrated Snow White and Cinderella but I had to just choose one 😍
Worst cover: Any of my husbands golf books! 😜 (I‘m sorry baby....I love you 😘😘 @rj_gilbert )
#24in48 #bestandworst