My last #AlphabetTitles post!
W-z so many great book. And I cleaned out my bookcases enough to get all the books off the floor...until tomorrow when I finish another and gave nowhere to put it!
My last #AlphabetTitles post!
W-z so many great book. And I cleaned out my bookcases enough to get all the books off the floor...until tomorrow when I finish another and gave nowhere to put it!
#alphabettitles U & V
My favorites here are The Vegetarian and The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox.
Both haunting and beautifully written.
Underground Railroad is creative and a must read.
#AlphabetTitles #LetterS 3/3
Escapism - sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian and magical realism. I love it all. A really good book should transport you so far you look up from the page and have to shake yourself back to reality. All of these books do that for me.
#AlphabetTitles #LetterS 2/3
Shadow of the Wind is 1 of my absolute favorite books. And this copy is extra special, for college graduation my aunt got me this signed, numbered, illustrated copy and now with Ruiz Zafon gone I treasure it even more.
Historical fiction is so important to opening up places, areas & times that not all of us have the ability to deep dive, it gives us a taste & sends us in the direction of where to look further.
#AlphabetTitles #LetterS #nonfiction
I have so many S titles it will be 3 posts.
I adore Mary Roach one of the best general nonfiction writers out there.
Selfish Shallow and Self Absorbed & Spinster books made for me it is so nice to have books that show you are not the only wierdo out there who does not want children or to live in a traditional relationship.
Stamped is the most important book here. Required reading for everyone.
#AlphabetTitles #LetterR.
I recently read Rules of Magic and I am sad I waited so long. I started the series this summer with Magic Lessons and I am excited to tackle Practical Magic next. I really enjoyed hanging out with the Owens clan.
Jacqueline Woodson is one of those authors I will always pre-order. I have very vivid memories of the exact coffee shop I was in while reading this her language is spot on, every single line.
Part 1 of #AlphabetTitles #LetterQ & #LetterR.
Queens. Of the night and (not pictured) the Damned I love some books about all kids if queens.
Ready Player One is already a modern sci-fi classic. And Ragtime for one of my favorite genres historical fiction.
Some of my favorites here. Perfume I have read a couple of times, it was one of my first true Literature books and I feel for the creepiness hard. Ishiguro and Ruiz Zafon are 2 of my absolute favorite authors. While Ann Rice brings me back to my teen years and I cannot give her books up.
I normally avoid WWII but the Mitford sisters are so intriguing and I really enjoy Nancy's writing style.
#AlphabetTitles #LetterO & #LetterP
#AlphabetTitles #LetterO & #LetterP part one
I seem to be a big fan of P books. But these O's have it going on too. Outsiders is a classic that is still relevant today. Out is a fantastic a modern Japanese book about friendship and the power of women - very different in story but similar in them to The Power. Which features some teens going through challenging times like Poet X
Paying Guests, Pachinko and Painted Vail (continued below)
#AlphabetTitles #LatterM
So many good books!
Many that are fairly polarizing. Ones that take an ability to suspend belief - Map of Time, Mexican Gothic, and My Sister The Serial Killer.
Elton John is one of my favorite living legends and his autobiography did not disappoint.
The Minitiarist, My Antonia, Mansfield Park & Murder On The Orient are all fantastic historical fiction books.
And who doesn't need Men Explain Things To Me?