I‘m super excited to join in on the Lord of the Rings readalong! 🥰 It‘ll be awesome company as I trudge through Dry (and Broke As Hell) January. 😭 Starting with my favorite prologue of any book 🙃
#FellowshipOfTolkien #JRRTolkien #YearsOfTolkien
I‘m super excited to join in on the Lord of the Rings readalong! 🥰 It‘ll be awesome company as I trudge through Dry (and Broke As Hell) January. 😭 Starting with my favorite prologue of any book 🙃
#FellowshipOfTolkien #JRRTolkien #YearsOfTolkien
Here‘s the daily schedule for the Fellowship of the Ring portion of our chapter a day readalong of The Lord of the Rings.
Anyone is welcome to join! We don‘t have specific discussions, just post as you wish with the hashtag #FellowshipofTolkien.
#Readalongs2020 #readalong
#JRRTolkien #YearsofTolkien
I finished the last chapter of The Hobbit today, and again I loved this story. It‘s interesting to consider it with more depth after reading The History of the Hobbit and so much of Tolkien‘s writing the last few years. I appreciated the footnotes, but since much of that information was familiar from other reading, my favorite aspect of this edition is the variety of illustrations.
#ThereAndBackAgain #FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien #reread
I didn‘t get much reading done last night after working on Christmas decorations, so I‘m catching up on “Riddles in the Dark” with coffee this morning.
#ThereAndBackAgain #FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien
I used money from an early Christmas gift this year to purchase The Annotated Hobbit to go along with our current readalong. It arrived today so I‘m playing a bit of catch up on chapters 2 & 3. I‘m excited to see illustrations from other editions (above center is from the 1973 Slovak edition) and to read the annotations, although I doubt I‘ll get to all of them with this reading.
#ThereAndBackAgain #FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien
Reading chapter 1 with Tolkien‘s own illustration of The Hill and Bag End. The meeting between Bilbo and Gandalf is great, and I always enjoy the little history of golf anecdote.
Fun note for today: I happened to log into the web version of Litsy this evening and The Hobbit is a trending book!
#FellowshipofTolkien #ThereAndBackAgain #YearsofTolkien
Our #FellowshipofTolkien is ready for another adventure #ThereAndBackAgain as we reread The Hobbit a chapter a day starting December 1 and start Lord of the Rings on January 3.
We would love to have any other interested readers join us, whether you‘ve read it many times or want to read it for the first time! We‘re an informal readalong group, but we post and discuss with each other regularly so feel free to join in.
So, #FellowshipofTolkien friends, do we have a plan going forward? We‘re all caught up on Sauron Defeated, correct? I know we had discussed the possibility of rereading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings after all the history and drafts we‘ve read. Thoughts? I would be happy to start over the holidays, or if we want a break I‘ll concentrate on some other things. #YearsofTolkien
Also, I now have more books than will fit on my Tolkien shelf. 📚 😃
I didn‘t enjoy this as much as other History of Middle-Earth books we‘ve read, and some sections required real effort to read. Yet, overall it is a pick because I truly enjoyed the final history of LotR and the Drowning of Anadune. The other sections give me a great appreciation for the time, effort, and thought put into all of Tolkien‘s creative process. “Delight lay in the creation itself . . .”
#FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien #LotRHistory
One of the things I find most interesting in these evolving versions of the Fall of Numenor is the discussion of the world as flat or round. Was it always round or was it changed due to this cataclysmic event? Was this concept of a flat world true at some point or just belief based on falsehood? It‘s amazing to me the thought that went into the continuous development of this world over so many years.
#FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien