I already turned this book in so I don't have a picture with the dust jacket. However, it has an otherworldliness that is similar to Twin Peaks.
#WrappedInPlastic @Yuki_Onna
Yuki_Onna Ooh, I heard great things about this one! 6mo
I already turned this book in so I don't have a picture with the dust jacket. However, it has an otherworldliness that is similar to Twin Peaks.
#WrappedInPlastic @Yuki_Onna
You guys... I can't even... with this book... it's completely gorgeous in its design ❤️ ❤️ ❤️my heart is all a flutter 💓 #markfrost #twinpeaks #davidlynch #whokilledlaurapalmer #wrappedinplastic #dalecooper #gordoncole #bluerose @flatironbooks