Just WOW, @KarenUK ...what a beautiful book!! I will spend hours going through “everything books” in this lovely volume. ❤️❤️ Thank you so much for this very thoughtful surprise! 💕😘🧚♀️
#coverlove 💙
Just WOW, @KarenUK ...what a beautiful book!! I will spend hours going through “everything books” in this lovely volume. ❤️❤️ Thank you so much for this very thoughtful surprise! 💕😘🧚♀️
#coverlove 💙
It‘s a four day work week. I‘m relaxing on the couch with my kitties. My fiancé brought me a yummy bowl of DELICIOUS cheese puffs. And I‘m finishing up this lovely audiobook. Check and mate! #todayhasbeengood #whatabeauty
Currently reading this beautiful vintage classic, just from the shadow it is casting you can see it might take me a while! 📚🐝 #LeoTolstoy #WarAndPeace #Jubilee #WhatABeauty