Is there any interest in a #ValentinesDaySwap or #AntiValentinesDaySwap? If so, please respond with which swap you're interested in. I am up for hosting one of them if there's enough interest. #LitsySwap
Is there any interest in a #ValentinesDaySwap or #AntiValentinesDaySwap? If so, please respond with which swap you're interested in. I am up for hosting one of them if there's enough interest. #LitsySwap
@StayCurious Your #ValentinesDaySwap is in the mail it's coming to you from FedEx! I forgot to mark the box! But here's a picture of what the box looks like. I hope you like it. Here's the Tracking Number: 289270380648
Welp — I might be late with my letter but got this bad boy out!!! Woohoo #valentinesdayswap — do not worry I have a letter writing party happening this weekend.great excuse to try out my new caramel apple cider recipe 😜
My secret valentine‘s gifts are all wrapped and ready to go to the post office tomorrow! #cupidgoespostal #valentinesdayswap #valentinesbookexchange