One of my recent book acquisitions is this fun one! #BooksInTranslation #UniqueBooks
One of my recent book acquisitions is this fun one! #BooksInTranslation #UniqueBooks
This a Persian tale set in the form of a pop up book with stunningly beautiful artwork and intricately detailed scenes that follow the story of evil King Zahhak (please see related posts for content photos). Little booklets on the side of certain pages open up to reveal even more surprises as you follow the story. It‘s truly a beautiful, creative, unique book and I highly recommend it.
“Suddenly, King Zahhak writhed and twitched and screamed in horror as two large, vicious serpents sprang forth from his shoulders.”
I can‘t describe how much fun this book is
I‘m totally blown away by the stunning artwork of this pop-up book which narrates the Persian Legend of the Serpent King. The creativity that went into it is amazing! I haven‘t even read the story, I‘m just so captivated by the beautiful artwork.