My #great2024parasolversereread has moved on to Timeless. I absolutely adore Biffy aka Wingtip Spectator this one. ☂️
My #great2024parasolversereread has moved on to Timeless. I absolutely adore Biffy aka Wingtip Spectator this one. ☂️
After bumping this for Witch Slap (#netgalley), I‘m back with Alexia and company. This series is just so delightful. I‘m going to be sad when it is over.
Anyone have any recommendations for light steampunk reads like this? Think Steampunk cozy.
While I absolutely ❤️ the Newbury & Hobbes and Jackaby series, the Parasol Protectorate is such lighthearted fun.
I didn‘t get as into her Finishing School books; I‘m not into YA leaning stories right now.
Maybe it‘s because I went to a tea (Harry Potter themed) today, but I‘m finding myself drawn back to this series again.I love these steampunk supernatural little adventures.
Perhaps this will be my next read. I‘d like something lighter after Lone Women.
April's Doublespin was another delightful romp in the Parasol Protectorate series.
I'm doing quite well this year, though I did use one of my two #vetos for April's #bookspin choice.
I‘ll play!
1. Alexia Tarrabotti from Soulless- she‘s practical, funny, and a force to be reckoned with. I found her when I was in my mid 20‘s and she was what I needed.
2. Sarah Bishop from the All Saints trilogy- I love those books, and Diana‘s Aunt Sarah feels more like a real woman than the two protagonists.
3. Sophie from Howl‘s Moving Castle- she‘s so real and so feisty! #wondrouswednesday
This was the tiny break I needed before I work on my two massive reads for the challenge and a work project that I‘ve been putting off. Meat Cute is a prequel and cute and silly and just adorable. It was like opening a box of chocolates and grabbing one at random to discover that, wow! It‘s a really good ganache! (Not my photo, but pertinent to the story.) #pop23 #shortestbookonmytbr
I have a bad habit. When I really love a series, I acquire all of it… and then I don‘t finish it. Sometimes ever. I LOVE the Parasol Protectorate. I love the entire Parasoloverse, except I have three books that I can‘t bring myself to finish. Here‘s number one. It‘s a prequel, and it will certainly be the least serious thing I read all year (unless I‘m very lucky.) #pop23 #shortestbookinmytbrpile