The Percy Jackson books are just plain fun, and this installment builds to the epic Battle of Manhattan. When all seems lost, in rides #TheCavalry, aka the children of Ares, to slay the drakon. #TropesInAugust
The Percy Jackson books are just plain fun, and this installment builds to the epic Battle of Manhattan. When all seems lost, in rides #TheCavalry, aka the children of Ares, to slay the drakon. #TropesInAugust
At the climactic battle of the five armies, the eagles serve as #thecavalry and turn the tide of the fight...
In this book, the demons are pursuing the escaping heroes and princesses when the heroes reach the assembled armies of Wisdom, all the goofy anthropomorphic personifications that Milo met on his journey. #thecavalry #tropesinaugust @Klou
Day 18 - #TheCavalry #TropesInAugust
In this book, the cavalry arrives during the Battle of Hogwarts: Harry seems to have died, Voldemort has set the Sorting Hat on Fire, Death Eaters have seem to have won and suddenly there are 4 cavalries coming at the same time: an army of centaurs from the forest, Buckbeak the hippogriff leading a pack of Thestrals, the house-elves from the kitchens and Professor Slughorn.