'It's better this way, sister. There's more to life than staying safe...'
Read: Feb18
'It's better this way, sister. There's more to life than staying safe...'
Read: Feb18
It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
#thebooklingscrate #currentread #anneofgreengables #classics #tbr
Finally starting this beauty by Marissa Meyer that I've heard only good things about. 😻 Oh did I mention that I have this book in both paperback and hardback. 😸 The hardback was a gift I gave myself on Christmas and the paperback version I got in a book subscription box called #TheBooklingsCrate.
Have you all read this book? What were your thoughts on it? 😊💕
#currentlyreading #booknerd #bibliophile #bookinbed #heartless