The Strand Bookstore in NYC is encouraging people to share their book crush, and I love it.
#TheCatcherInTheRye #CatcherInTheRye #PhoebeCaulfield #TheStrandBookstore #StrandBookstore #TheStrand #NewYorkCity #NYC #bookstore #bookcrush
The Strand Bookstore in NYC is encouraging people to share their book crush, and I love it.
#TheCatcherInTheRye #CatcherInTheRye #PhoebeCaulfield #TheStrandBookstore #StrandBookstore #TheStrand #NewYorkCity #NYC #bookstore #bookcrush
Thank you @strandbookstore! After a day of talking about the Holocaust with my 8th graders and 9/11 with my 7th graders, I deserved something 😃happy. I ❤️ my #bookhookup #strandbookstore
#manicmonday #StrandBookstore #ArgosyBookstore
Very little reading in today, too much going on at work & home. But did start to read this & wanted to share with you.
Hope you enjoy these bookstore stories!
#WeAreNotHysterical #StrandBookstore #RebeccaSolnit
Just saw this today.
@strandbookstore/we-are-not-hysterical-1f4b21e33d0c?subid=21771239&CMP" rel="nofollow" target="_top">https://medium.com/@strandbookstore/we-are-not-hysterical-1f4b21e33d0c?subid=217...