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@Reecaspieces I finished this amazing book.

'The Enemy Beside Me' is a wonderful written Historical Fiction, but a hard read. Naomi Ragen is a descendant of Lithuanian Jews, and the daughter-in-law of two Holocaust survivors. She is an amazing author. In 'The Enemy Beside Me', she gives us a glance into what happened to the Lithuanian Jews during WWII.

Milia Gottstein-Lasker, director of the Survivors' Campaign, to be the key note speaker ⬇️

Reecaspieces Nailed it!! It is a hard read. And I had no idea about what happened in Lithuania. 12mo
Monica5 at Lithuania Holocaust Program by Dr. Darius Vidas, a senior lecturer at Algridas University. Her family has always been connected to the Survivors Campaign. Now as the head of it, she has to decide if she can bear to go to a country she hates, and talk to people she has despised. A personal problem helps her decide to go. Once there, she experiences things she never thought she would.

I gave this a 4 star instead of 5 because Milia got on my nerves. Yes, there were reasons to be angry about somethings, but Ragen took it too far at times. It just didn't make sense to me for her to be so angry about some trivial stuff.

If you enjoy Historical Fiction, WWII, or even family drama ( because that's in here, too), I think you would enjoy ready 'The Enemy Beside Me'. I actually think everyone needs to read it, because even though the Holocaust is in the past, if we don't educate ourselves, it or something worse could happen again.

Published September 12, 2023

Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin's Press, and St. Martin's Griffin for the E-ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

😊 Happy Reading 😊

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Monica5 @Reecaspieces I didn't either. So terrible. It scares me what people are capable of doing. 12mo
Reecaspieces @Monica5 this is true. 12mo
TheSpineView Great job!🤩 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 12mo
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The Orphan Witch | Paige Crutcher
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A curse, a family feud, and a whole lot of magic. Read my review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#the-orphan-witch

#TheOrphanWitch #NetGalley #MacmillanAudio #StMartinsGriffin

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What's Worth Keeping | Kaya McLaren
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I do recommend the novel. I especially loved traveling across the country with Amy from Oklahoma City to the Pacific NW, sharing with her the novelty and beauty of each of the National Parks along the way (I have some new places on my bucket list!).
Thank you to Kaya McLaren, St. Martin‘s Griffin, and NetGalley for providing a complimentary copy in exchange for this honest review.

Dear Santa | Nancy Naigle
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A warm, sentimental holiday story with strong allusions to the movie “You‘ve Got Mail” (which happens to be one of my favorites). Rather than dueling bookstores, these are Christmas-themed stores, and more to the point, it‘s nostalgic/handmade/family-generational versus cheaper/mass-produced/chain store. I enjoyed it for its feisty heroine and her commitment to her family legacy. Nothing new here but a fun read. 4/5⭐️
#NetGalley #StMartinsGriffin

Read4life Thanks for the tag. It‘s definitely on my tbr list now. 🤓 6y
robinb @Read4life 👍😊 6y
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Dear Santa | Nancy Naigle
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Up next, a little Christmas in September! Hoping it‘s a feel-good, cozy kind of story. 😊🎁😇🎅🏻🤶🏻🦌☃️❄️❤️💚❤️💚

Out 10/16

Birdsong28 I got invited to read this from the publishers via #Netgalley but I'm waiting till December to read it as it doesn't feel right at this time of year. 📚📖 6y
Read4life I love cozy Christmas reads. Please let me know what you think about it. 6y
robinb @Birdsong28 I always feel guilty if I don‘t try to read/review by the publication date...hence now. But yes, I also like to read holiday stories in Nov/Dec. 6y
robinb @Read4life Will do! 👍😊 6y
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