Reading going well this holiday. These two so far and both well worth 5 stars.
I'll review them asap : www.speesh.wordpress.com
#books #reading #speeshreads
Reading going well this holiday. These two so far and both well worth 5 stars.
I'll review them asap : www.speesh.wordpress.com
#books #reading #speeshreads
Really pleased to have got a copy of the new C.R. May epic 'The Scathing.' No.3 in his 'King's Bane' series set in 6th Century Britain. The Romans are gone, the Anglo Saxons are here and the English have just arrived. An absolutely riveting series and from the first two chapters, 'The Scathing' is going to put my emotions through the ringer. Available now from Amazon.
#speeshreads #thescathing #crmay #historicalfiction
Number 16 in the Sphere series published in the U.K. Back in the '80's.
Part of my quest to re-get hold of the lot.
#speeshreads #conan #conantheliberator #lspraguedecamp #lincarter #spherebooks
Latest arrival to the Speesh Reads Conan Library.
#conan #theswordofskelos #conanthebarbarian #spherebooks #andrewjoffutt #speeshreads
That's me, that there.
And I paid him full whack as well. Didn't want a freebie.
#SpeeshReads www.speesh.wordpress.com