#stephenking17 Day 21 My collection is small but I'm working on it. I picked up the two hardbacks at Goodwill this weekend. #sharemycollection #shareyourcollection
#stephenking17 Day 21 My collection is small but I'm working on it. I picked up the two hardbacks at Goodwill this weekend. #sharemycollection #shareyourcollection
#shareyourcollection #StephenKing17 I just climbed into bed and opened Litsy and I saw @Lizpixie post her collection. Since it is quite literally next to my head, I figured, why not? Yes, that is 4 copies of The Stand you see!
#StephenKing17 #day21 #shareyourcollection This is my current collection as it stands today.The two without jackets are The Dark Half & Needful Things. Damn,I forgot to put in The Shining,Doctor Sleep, It & Bazaar Of Bad Dreams too.There's a few due for retirement & quite a few that were stolen & j haven't replaced yet. I'm planning on a Charity shop crawl very soon to try and boost my numbers, there are always King books in charity shops!🔪🚬🐕🤡
For #shareyourcollection, here's my Stephen King shelf. It's small, but it's growing! #stephenking17
Here is my Stephen King Collection. I also have my very favorites on Audible, IT, The Stand, and 11-22-63. #stephenking17 #shareyourcollection
#stephenking17 #shareyourcollection
I enjoy bargain hunting, so I only buy used or cheap books. I've been collecting these for a while, but my collection isn't complete. Notable absentees are Carrie and Everything's Eventual.
#StephenKing17 #day21 #Shareyourcollection This is my Stephen's King shelf, some of his books were very difficult to find in Argentina. The Dark Tower book 5 and 7 were practically impossible to find The Wolves of Calla i just buy the complete edition this weekend, the same with IT i have to wait till it was re-published so i have an old paperback edition in English and the Spanish edition which is massive.
@Josie @Gayan
#ShareYourCollection My Stephen King shelves. I still need a few older titles to finish my collection. #StephenKing17 @Josie @Gayan