I put all the entries from the #READATHONSTORIES giveaway into the random name generator and @mrsa_d won! Thanks to everyone for participating. Another giveaway is coming your way in a few minutes! 🎉📚😘
I put all the entries from the #READATHONSTORIES giveaway into the random name generator and @mrsa_d won! Thanks to everyone for participating. Another giveaway is coming your way in a few minutes! 🎉📚😘
One of my few well loved short story collections. #READATHONSTORIES
This is a tough one! Karen Russell's short stories are some of my favorite, but Miranda July has my heart ❤ #READATHONSTORIES @Liberty
My post for @Liberty 's readathon giveaway #READATHONSTORIES! I loved this book. It didn't feel quite like short stories because they are all connected but it was amazing. I recommend this again and again to friends. Read it! Now! 👍🏽😄
Heather Birrell's Mad Hope is a beautiful collection of stories that deals with complex issues of coming of age, abortion, life and death, pregnancy and other important topics. The motif of frogs runs throughout the work, suggesting human metamorphosis through trial to be the central theme of the collection. I include #ThomasGlave's #TheTorturer'sWife too because I love it.
A few of my favorite collections of short stories and tales. #READATHONSTORIES I really love short stories, if anyone has any recommendations I would gladly accept them!
I know I'm probably too slow on the draw here, but @Liberty asked about books of short stories. Here are some favorites and some TBR. Karen Russell will always break me. #READATHONSTORIES