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Traffick | Ellen Hopkins
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Bk 2 of Tricks series: We pick up with the “Tricks” characters where they left off, with each character coming to terms with addiction, abuse, recovery (physically and emotionally) and making decisions appropriate to their needs and circumstances. Though their losses are deep, can they forgive themselves and move forward?


Louder Than Hunger | John Schu
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When I was ten years old my then fifteen-year-old cousin was admitted to a lock-down facility for non-compliant youth because she would not treat her type 1 diabetes and seemed to be literally wasting away. I have no idea if her experience was anything like Jake‘s, but his story painfully illustrates how lonely and difficult that healing process must have been. I‘m grateful for this look into the psyche of someone living with anorexia nervosa.

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The Canyon's Edge | Dusti Bowling
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I‘ve read many middle grade books written in verse, and if I were in my classroom today, I might have shared a stack. However, from home, the first one that came to mind that I hadn‘t already seen shared was this one about a girl dealing with a few truly difficult experiences.

My review includes a few examples of the poetic form used in the story. https://litsy.com/p/eG1FQmRpYzdn

#MiddleGrade #MiddleGradeMonday #NovelInVerse

Karisimo Awesome! Another one to add to my stack 😁 thanks for sharing! 2w
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Red, White, and Whole | Rajani LaRocca
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Emotional first-generation American story tied up with mother-daughter relationship. Get tissues!


Thanks for the tag @Karisimo

Karisimo Love this one too! Thanks for sharing! 2w
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My goal is to finish both of these by Sunday night. I'm about 1/2 through Mickey 7 and I have about 100 pages left on Way Station. Easy Peasy.
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

vivastory I read Mickey 7 a couple of months ago. I liked it. Kinda annoyed to hear that the adaptation has been moved back a year. Not really surprised though because i'm sure they don't want to have to compete w/ Dune pt 2 1mo
RamsFan1963 @vivastory Who is playing Mickey? As I listen to the audio, I've been trying to imagine who'd be right for the part. 1mo
vivastory I think Robert Pattinson is playing Mickey 1mo
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RamsFan1963 @vivastory Ugh!! Really? Okay that's definitely NOT how I've been picturing Mickey. I was thinking more Daniel Radcliff or even Ryan Gosling. I've only seen Pattinson in dramas, never saw his Batman movie, the actor playing Mickey needs a solid comic touch, and I don't see that in him. 1mo
vivastory I did like the most recent Batman, but I agree that it needs a comic touch. I'm not sure how much it will go in that direction since it's a Joon-ho movie & he tends towards the bleak. 1mo
RamsFan1963 @vivastory That would be disappointing, the humor is part of the book's charm. I'd hate to see it reduced to some grim depressing, shoot'em up. 1mo
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Louder Than Hunger | John Schu

John Schu‘s YA novel told in verse form is an incredibly moving book based on his own experiences of having an eating disorder. I felt desperately sympathetic to the vulnerable Jake whose relationship with his grandmother is clearly very important to him but more could have been made of his relationship with his parents, which is much too lightly sketched and should have been explored given his mum‘s anxiety issues seem to feed into Jake‘s.

All the Fighting Parts | Hannah V. Sawyerr
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Trying to get some reading in before going to sleep but my 2 reading buddies don't make it easy. Chase my big dog on the left and my dachshund is the Chewbacca looking lump on the right 🤣

dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 2mo
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 😘 2mo
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Gone Camping: A Novel in Verse | Tamera Will Wissinger
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My picks for #camplitsy24 🤍

BarbaraBB I‘d like to read all four of them! 2mo
lazydaizee Good selection, enjoy reading them. 2mo
AmyG Ooo a new Sarah Perry book. 2mo
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squirrelbrain I‘d love to read Blue Sisters, and I have the ARC of Enlightenment! 2mo
TrishB I nearly did Memory Piece 👍🏻 2mo
monalyisha Blue Sisters looks intriguing! 2mo
Megabooks Very curious about the Jamison! And I'm excited about Memory Piece, too. Thanks for nominating! 2mo
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB they sound so good! 2mo
youneverarrived @lazydaizee thanks ☺️ 2mo
youneverarrived @AmyG exciting! I love how atmospheric her books are. 2mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain I really liked her other book!and ohh brill, hopefully it‘s as good as her other two. 2mo
youneverarrived @TrishB it sounds fab 🤍 2mo
youneverarrived @monalyisha it does 🤍 2mo
youneverarrived @Megabooks looking forward to seeing what gets chosen! So many great sounding books have been nominated 🤍 2mo
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Gone Camping: A Novel in Verse | Tamera Will Wissinger
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Here‘s my nominations for this year‘s #CampLitsy!

Excited to be a camper again and interested in what we will be reading!!

Went for a nonfiction as the first one, it‘s about a woman with psychosis and sounds fascinating. I doubt it‘ll be for everyone (I love a mental health memoir but they are really tough to read sometimes) but I‘ll just read it anyway if it doesn‘t get picked.

Links below


@BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Megabooks

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Megabooks I just picked up Salt from @AardvarkBookClub 👍🏻👍🏻 2mo
Kitta Oh great @megabooks!! 2mo
BarbaraBB Wonderful choices! 2mo
squirrelbrain Great picks! ❤️ 2mo
Soubhiville I love the title 2mo
Kitta @Soubhiville it‘s good isn‘t it 😂 2mo
Chelsea.Poole Your NF selection sounds interesting—I‘ve never heard of it. 2mo
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All the Fighting Parts | Hannah V. Sawyerr
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Novel in verse: 16 yo Amina, who lost her mom at the age of 3, feels sure she really lost her dad then too. Silence and acrimony persist between them, but the bottom falls out when the truth about the new pastor is revealed, and Amina‘s not the only one. Written with compassion and hope😔



DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🥰🤗 2mo
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