This sci fi masterpiece lived up to the first book for sure, and I think its development of character may have surpassed Ninefox Gambit.
This sci fi masterpiece lived up to the first book for sure, and I think its development of character may have surpassed Ninefox Gambit.
A nice pile of highly anticipated books for my birthday. Yay for gift cards and being forced to 'pay' full price, something I'd otherwise never do. Looking forward to all six, and having a hard time choosing where to start... @joe_hill #thefireman #deathsend #papermenagerie #littlebig #ninefoxgambit #uprooted
I'm really loving the world building in this. I'll be finishing it up later today. Here's what I have on tap for the weekend. #updraft #ScarletWitch #NinefoxGambit #Aftermath #LifeDebt #Washington