Yesterday, I picked up these two packages. But the #JolabokaflodSwap24 arrived during the weekend. @MaleficentBookDragon
#NaugthyListHolidaySwap @WildAlaskaBibliophie
Gissy @alexus_sn @bumpinthenight 1w
bumpinthenight ☺️ glad it made it to you! 1w
Gissy @bumpinthenight Yes 👍 now….th waiting time to open it…I have strengthened my patience skills with these swaps😂🤣🤣 1w
bumpinthenight @Gissy 😂 I agree - mine has been sitting on one of my bookshelves staring at me asking me why I haven‘t opened it yet! 1w
WildAlaskaBibliophile Yay!!! 7d
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