Absolutely beautiful book for my first December #roll100 definitely not one for feeling festive but a really interesting and important tale of nazi Germany. Fantastic character development and really interesting plot.
Amazingly enough, my IRL bookclub has picked a Persephone book for our current read (after 27 years together). And no, it WASN‘T my pick. 😆
I was going to ask you, @Centique , if you‘d read this classic New Zealand coming-of-age novel but I see you are the only other person to post about it on here! I‘m really enjoying it.
The dead body of a naked man has been found in a convent. Aldo has to find a way to investigate because his niece is a student at the convent. Meanwhile Strocchi finds evidence in his home village which may threaten his mentee-mentor relationship with Aldo.
Another twisty, suspenseful installment. I hope we see more of Isabella and maybe a bit fewer unnecessary Italian words. Does it really add anything to say e.g. officio rather than office?
A new audio edition popped up while I was browsing Libby so had a little nostalgic re-read of this English teacher fave. It‘s still good.
Ouch that hurt! One of those stories that hurts to read but it‘s a truth that must be told. An outstanding piece of literary fiction from author Becky Manawatu, drawing on some real life stories and others so cinematically conjured I am certain we‘ll see this on screen soon. Beautiful, raw and #owsie 😓