Didn‘t know what to expect at first, but really liked it. So much research obviously went into this one. Bryant really did a great job. I‘m impressed.
Didn‘t know what to expect at first, but really liked it. So much research obviously went into this one. Bryant really did a great job. I‘m impressed.
Now I have to add Batuman‘s The Idiot to my TBR list.
Well, I‘ll never watch the movies Dirty Harry or Rocky again without thinking about this book. Only on chapter four, but wow. Really liking this so far.
Sunday morning reading #nytimesbookreview #bluemoosebooks #currentread
#NYTimesBookReview #papercopy #newsprint #booksandnews #bookreviews
So excited! Big surprise this morning at my porch door. My husband decided to get the NY Times paper copy (we have digital) because of a half price sale. 👏🏻🎉😍📚 love the feel, smell of newsprint!❤️
Sunday morning ritual #nytimesbookreview #coffee
Grace Paley (1922-2007): "We are in the hands of men whose power and wealth have separated them from daily life and imagination. We are right to be afraid." #theglobalstruggleforwomensrights #nytimesbookreview #openbook #johnwilliams #stories #poems #essays