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Another massive book in Erikson's epic Malazan Book of the Fallen series, this 8th installment took a long time to read, but I loved every minute of it. Much of the action takes place in the city of Darujhistan and we get reacquainted with a number of characters from earlier books.

Erikson juggles about a dozen storylines and even more points-of-view but it all worked for me.

kwmg40 #gottacatchemall (prompt 36. Impidimp: Mischievous character) @PuddleJumper
For those of you who are familiar with the series, the mischievous character is the inimitable Kruppe, of course!
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 2d
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Thank you @Deblovestoread for the tag #5JoysFriday

1) My Granddaughter is playing Soccer yay
2) My Grandson is starting to walk
3) My Daughter is starting her own company
4) spring is bringing green to the trees and flowers are blooming
5) My Hubby took a day off to spend time with me

Happy Friday to all and happy reading ☺️📚

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I rearranged this shelf in my bedroom so I could extend the crow wigs on my special edition six of crows set and to better display my Malazan 1st edition books love this now 📚🙌🏽🥰😊

Gissy Love it😍📚📚📚👌❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
Ddzmini @Gissy thank you I‘m going to make a few adjustments and will post that shelf 😊📚 4mo
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My big achievement for the #NovelNovember readathon was finally finishing this 960-page chunkster. The Malazan Book of the Fallen is an incredibly rich and complex series, and I've enjoyed every minute of reading the first 7 books so far, but it's such a commitment!

#SeriesLove2023 #BookSpinBingo #Rushathon
@TheSpineView @ Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! That's a serious chunkster!! 6mo
TheSpineView Way to go!❤️📖📚 6mo
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I‘m rereading the main 10. I just acquired the first edition of the 10 for my birthday and decided to read them again. … I haven‘t been active here for a while we moved from Cali. To Hawaii to Washington state. Within 4 yrs. We are settled here now and loving it 😊. I‘m going to try to get back to it here as I loved being active before

Amiable Welcome back! 8mo
Ddzmini Thank you @Amiable 7mo
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There is some humour along the way in this story

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Not the most romantic proposition, I'm thinking.

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How not to capture a city.

humouress 'I see you've made no effort to improve on courtesy, Captain - I admit I understand nothing of the Adjunct's faith in you.'
“Don't lose sleep over it, Topper. Now you've found me, what is the message?' The man scowled. 'She's with the Bridgeburners. Outside Pale.
“The siege continues? How old is your information?'
'Less than a week, which is as long as I've been hunting you. In any case,' he continued, 'the deadlock is about to be broken.'
humouress Paran grunted. Then he frowned. 'Which squad?'
'You know them all?'
'Yes,' Paran asserted.
Topper's scowl deepened, then he raised a hand and began examining his rings. 'Whiskeyjack's. She's one of his recruits.'
Paran closed his eyes. It should not have surprised him. The gods are playing with me. Question is, which gods? Oh, Whiskeyjack. You once commanded an army, back when Laseen was named Surly, back when you could have listened to your
humouress companion, when you could have made a choice. You could've stopped Surly. Hell, perhaps you could have stopped me. But now you command a squad, just a squad, and she's the Empress. And me? I'm a fool who followed his dream, and now all I desire is its end. 8mo
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The Malazan series was recommended to me but the start is hard going. It took a bit to get through the prologue and now I'm wading through the first chapter (40+ pages on my iPad); a lot of characters and situations are introduced with no prior knowledge on the readers' part. I'm assuming the going will get easier as I read.

humouress Starting chapter 3, 1/6th of the way in and still finding it confusing. Sticking with it, though it‘s a bit of a slog (chapters are about 40 pages long) because I‘ve heard that it‘s good - but, for once, there‘s not enough telling to match the showing. We‘ll see (edited) 9mo
humouress Starting to sort out the confusion and get going now, 1/5th of the way in (end of chapter 3/ chapter 4) 9mo
humouress 37% in (ch8) according to Libby and still not fully into it. The writing doesn‘t flow well for me; there‘s still a lot of world building which throws us in to the middle of characters‘ lives without explanation or context to their conversations though the action has picked up and once you have a few chapters under your belt you can string things together. I think the soldier in the prologue is Whiskeyjack, but I‘m not certain; it doesn‘t say. 9mo
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humouress This is a looong book. I'm only on chapter 10 (pg 347 on my laptop) with another 14 (up to pg 748) to go - but I've got other e-library books expiring soon! 😬
I must say 'how thorough is your exhaustion?' isn't the most romantic invitation I've come across 😂
(edited) 9mo
humouress Halfway through and still struggling with it. I'm still sticking with it because I want to discover why it's so highly regarded. I feel I may never do so. 9mo
humouress Ch 13 (3/5th) - the going is getting a bit smoother now. Hopefully all the ruts have been worked out of the road (edited) 9mo
humouress TBH I‘m not sure who the good guys are or if the Malazan empire is a good thing or not. There doesn‘t seem to be a Pax Romana situation; conquered nations just provide canon fodder for the next expansion. I don‘t understand why Whiskeyjack is loyal to the empire (in its current incarnation) 9mo
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I finished this yesterday, and I still don't know how to start talking about this book. I had moments in Gardens of the Moon where I thought Malazan might be the series for me; this one cemented it. There are moments of horror and tragedy in this book that only hit harder for being rooted in our real-life history, as well as its fallout. It took me three and a half months to read this, and I don't regret one second of it. On to Memories of Ice.

groofay The main body of the review doesn't give me enough space to talk about the more granular moments, like how Felisin is possibly the most relatable character in the series for me so far--passed off from one form of slavery to another, then fighting like hell and almost dying multiple times--only to find herself in yet another form of slavery. It's fucking cruel, but fucking realistic. And I swear to god don't get me started on the Chain of Dogs. 11mo
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