Oof had a hard time with this prompt 😅
I don't remember the MC being quite as bad as the woman Bieber is singing about, but I feel like the title probably describes her well.
#VolumesAndVocals #LoveYourselfBieber
Oof had a hard time with this prompt 😅
I don't remember the MC being quite as bad as the woman Bieber is singing about, but I feel like the title probably describes her well.
#VolumesAndVocals #LoveYourselfBieber
#VolumesAndVocals Day 5: To #LoveYourselfBieber means getting a stack of books for professional and personal growth. Recent book haul. 💕📚📚📚💕
Draper - the epitome of narcissism
🎤‘Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself🎶
#LoveYourselfBieber #VolumesAndVocals