Does this look right? I'm trying to decide if it's a typo or an alternate spelling that I'm just unfamiliar with. Is it a Canadian vs American spelling? I'm used to seeing it spelled #mannequin. #ExcuseMyIgnorance #AskingLitsy #LittensKnowBest
Does this look right? I'm trying to decide if it's a typo or an alternate spelling that I'm just unfamiliar with. Is it a Canadian vs American spelling? I'm used to seeing it spelled #mannequin. #ExcuseMyIgnorance #AskingLitsy #LittensKnowBest
#LittensKnowBest #DNF #JustBailed so I hit page 56 and decided this book was getting progressively worse 😳😝#IfeelLikeShawnMooney
According to Kirkus, FINAL GIRLS is one of the most overlooked books of the summer. Apparently Kirkus doesn't hang out on Litsy. ???
Here's the link to see the rest of their choices:https://www.kirkusreviews.com/lists/10-most-overlooked-books-summer/
Which books would you choose for "most overlooked"?
#overlookedbooks #blameitonlitsy #littensknowbest
I'm sure there's a lot of #hallelujah shouting in this sinister novel set in a Shaker community in Massachusetts. #JuneTunz
I have so many holds in process at the library right now, I'm not bothering to make an #AprilTBR. This is today's #libraryhaul. I'm succumbing to the hype with Behind Her Eyes, so fingers crossed! Since most of the hype has come from here, I'm fairly optimistic. #littensknowbest #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading