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Party Time | Shaun Attwood
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Just a friendly reminder that we are officially less than a week away from the next #ListyPartyOfOne I am SO stoked to party with the best people on social media and to have a legitimate reason to pig out on some junk food. #HostPost

Johanna414 Perfect timing! This is my first weekend of summer after a long school year (edited) 7y
Bklover Can't wait!! 7y
CouronneDhiver Thanks for hosting again. It's s great idea! And we'll all have new reads to look forward to from our #summersantagoespostal exchange! 7y
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JazzFeathers I can't wait. When l joined Litsy last winter, #LitsyPartyOfOnd was the first readaghon l did. I'm parcial to it 😆 7y
tpixie @PopTheButterfly here is a readathon you may want to participate in. We just read at home when we can and post pictures! 7y
PopTheButterfly @tpixie thanks!!! I'll be enroute to Ireland on the 23rd though =[. I'll probably have reading time on the plane but I'm doing 2 separate flights that day and ones a red eye 😂 7y
tpixie Well that sounds exciting!! 7y
Megnogged How does this readathon work?! Someone share the deets! Is there a Litsy party one of the days, a theme, etc!? I've only done readathons via Twitter. ☺️ 7y
Jess_Read_This Excellent. I have a mountain of TBR.. a party of one sounds divine. 7y
Jess7 Never heard of this. Someone please explain. Thanks! 😁 7y
kspenmoll I can participate partially - 7y
BookishMarginalia @jess7 @Megnogged It's the ultimate party for book-loving introverts: you pick your books and your snacks and settle down to read, posting pics of your "party spread" for everyone's enjoyment-- it's just fun! (And I agree with @CouronneDhiver about the perfect reading material!??) (edited) 7y
mhillis Looking forward to it!! I'll be partying on Saturday! 7y
Megnogged Thank you, @BookishMarginalia I think I'll try to participate this round! 7y
laurieluna Oh this sounds so good! I may have to disappear into the bedroom all day saturday and leave the child with my partner 😂 maybe block the door...😇🎉 7y
BookishMarginalia Sounds like a plan, @miralunasbooknook 👍🏼🙌🏼 7y
UwannaPublishme Yes!!! 7y
RealBooks4ever I need to go shopping for snacks! 👍🏼 7y
3CatsAndABook Whats required to join the party? How? 7y
ABrakes85 Ooh sounds like a perfect party 😊 7y
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