I love this author and all of her books. This one definitely did not disappoint! I love how it talks about a real issue and how it affects those close to the person who committed suicide. This book is one that I will read again! #iwashere
I love this author and all of her books. This one definitely did not disappoint! I love how it talks about a real issue and how it affects those close to the person who committed suicide. This book is one that I will read again! #iwashere
This is the czech cover for I Was Here by Gayle Forman! I really enjoyed it, but the reason why I give it 4 stars is that it was just too fast for me in some ways. But I absolutely love books about mental illness. It always make you feel differently... I still recommend this book for everybody!
#iwashere #gayleforman #octread #romance #ya #mentalillness
Czech edition of I was here😍
#iwashere #gayleforman #currentlyreading #czechedition #ya #romance
"I can keep picking small fights or brave the big one. Time to screw my courage. Or go down trying."
#iwashere #gayleforman #currentlyreading #ya #contemporary #romance
Several of my #CurrentlyReading books, plus I also started #listening to #SixOfCrows. Re-reading #HarryPotter too and I'm REALLY into #IWasHere at the moment. I have #readers #ADD apparently. 😄😁