#howhardcanitbe? Released today! Grab for a great laugh and great beach read!
#howhardcanitbe? Released today! Grab for a great laugh and great beach read!
"I never thought I would look back on that time with affection, let alone longing, only suddenly I think how exciting it was. It tested me in a way that nagging kids to do their homework, cooking nine meals a week & getting a man to do the gutters-the wearisome warp and weft of life-never does. Can you be a success as a mother? People only notice when you‘re not doing it right." #HowHardCanItBe #13InThree #NetGalley #VacationReading? @Samplergal
I received this ARC in exchange for a review. I liked Kate, Ben and Emily felt real, and I despised Richard. I would say this was a 3🌟 book. #HowHardCanItBe #GetReddy
There are many aspects to this book that I can‘t relate too.But the things that I can relate to I couldn‘t stop laughing!The battle of the chin hairs is a constant battle.Once I‘ve killed them,I swear to god the come by two‘s as if to cast revenge for the fallen soldiers that were plucked from their posts the day before.I think that women who can relate to the main character more,they will really enjoy this book. #GetReady#HowHardCanItBe?
Every single time Richard enters the room, I want to scream at him. #HowHardCanItBe #GetReddy
It is true, George Clooney's smile dies reach his eyes before his mouth. #GetReddy #HowHardCanItBe
I am so annoyed with the husband. #GetReddy #HowHardCanItBe @StMartinsPress
Belfie #FlagBum, my daughter is only 6 and I already dread the teenage years. #GetReddy #HowHardCanItBe
#HowHardCanItBe? With a new chaise lounge chair in my room to enjoy my books! This isn‘t hard at all!! 🤣😂😂 I am enjoying parts of this book. The one liners are making me laugh! I love it when a book makes me laugh. Such a relaxing day, I‘ll probably finish this today! #GetReady