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Poems from The Hobbit | J R R Tolkien
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#SummerSouls Day 2: #mountains reminded me of a Poetry Friday feature Iphigene once shared on GatheringBooks with the ballad Far Over the Misty Mountain here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-8PY

Eggs So dreamy 🩵🏔️🩵 4h
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The Hobbit | J. R. R. Tolkien
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This will likely not find favour with Tolkien fans, but if I were to rank the three interrelated pieces of media, the original novel, the films made from this material and the fanfic made as a result of the films, my rating would go: 1) fanfic, 2) films, 3) novel. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? While a good deal of this rating is based on my being a Bagginshield shipper, the fanfic tends to do the best job of filling out pieces where readers or viewers may have wanted to see more detail.
And of course, the wealth of fix-it fic where Thorin doesn't fucking die!
Robotswithpersonality 3/? Most will find this an unfair assessment of the original work, as there really isn't enough in the original text to infer a romantic relationship between Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield, it's not the point of that story. The subtext is present in the films chiefly because of the performance of the actors, even more so than the script, and fans just ran with it to expand on canon and fulfill the suggestion. It's not just this romance that flourishes in fanfic, though, you get all kinds of more complex windows into other characters and side ventures, that, while up to the transformative author's interpretation, enriches the world that Tolkien built. 9mo
Robotswithpersonality 4/? The message at the heart of The Hobbit is present in the films and the better fanfic, though the fic I favour does its best to show that characters learn the lesson without the same tragedy. It's why I don't find myself spending much time with Tolkien-related media outside the fix-it realm. He had good reason for telling the stories he did, but they're all so goddamn sad. 9mo
Robotswithpersonality 5/5 And I can say with confidence now, having run back through his four most well known books, this ventures a little further into the high fantasy, and a narrative style that I don't love. I doubt I'll be investigating other works by this author. To each their own. 🤷🏼‍♂️

⚠️ Fatphobia
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The Annotated Hobbit | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Douglas A. Anderson
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I'm so behind in the #FellowshipOfTolkien reading of The Hobbit, as well as the other books I've been reading that I'm joining #20in4 with a goal of reading for 20 hours this weekend. I don't have to work tomorrow, so I should be able to pull it off.

Andrew65 Best of luck 😁 10mo
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The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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“All was well, until one day they met a thunderstorm—more than a thunderstorm, a thunder-battle.”

A great way to describe a spectacular storm!

First that, and then Goblins 😬

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipofTolkien

Daisey I enjoy the description of the thunder battle very time! 10mo
mabell @Daisey Yes! Something I would enjoy - while safe and dry (And not in a cave!) 10mo
JazzFeathers @mabell 😂 Only a few sentences, and yet, there's so much mystery and fascination in the giants' 'play'. 10mo
mabell @JazzFeathers Quite atmospheric! 10mo
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15 books? And the world is ending? You might as well just tell me that some much-needed reading glasses are broken 😜 @RaeLovesToRead (actual pic of me avoiding this dire thought) #ihavequestions #belovedbooks

Here‘s my list (with commentary!):
1. The Hobbit (⬆️THIS copy and yes I‘ll be mad if it gets scuffed or dinged)
2. The Complete Ivory - Egan (hey, series is contained into one book!)
3. Magic Strikes (the BEST Kate Daniels. Fight me.)

Larkken 4. Starless Sea (good thing for the apocalypse that my MIL just gave me this)
5. Beauty - Robin McKinley (though maybe Blue Sword instead for the sheer nostalgia? gah)
6. The Wood Wife - Windling
7. Pride and Prejudice
8. Stardust - Gaiman
9. The Princess Bride - Goldman
10. Kushiel‘s Dart. No, wait, Avatar. Gah!
11. Complete Borges short stories (so I can dream of infinite libraries or something 👀)
12. Good Omens
(edited) 14mo
Larkken 13. Family‘s illustrated Alice and Wonderland
14. Finishing School trilogy by Carriger on audio (when breaking the rules, go big)
15. Moon Called - Briggs (I don‘t have a fav from this series, so this might end up being Whatever One I Grab from series)
Holy nuts I‘d give both my ovaries to have a compilation of the initial Murderbot stories to put on here. Sorry, Pride and Prejudice. Or maybe Good Omens?

I am still working on the #booklet list…
(edited) 14mo
RaeLovesToRead Love it! Starless sea has come up a few times... I shall purchase it next time I'm in Waterstones! 😁 (Although I still need to read The Night Circus!) I found the booket list easier because there are several books that I ABSOLUTELY NEED TO READ and they just pushed their way to the top.. 😊 14mo
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Larkken @RaeLovesToRead This was curtailed severely by needing to be physical books present on my shelves! That made it easier lol 14mo
IndoorDame Ooh, yes! I should definitely take Alice 14mo
5feet.of.fury So far for best Kate Daniels (I‘m on book 7) I‘m going with 14mo
5feet.of.fury Also Kate Daniels series has made me want to read the Princess Bride, but I have not yet. Love your Gaiman choices! Great list! 14mo
Larkken @5feet.of.fury oooh is this the one where they FINALLY got together? Agreed, that IS nice 14mo
Larkken @IndoorDame looking at my shelves made me realize I‘d have to bring at least a/some books based on nostalgia and unwillingness to lose a family copy ❤️! …and not just on what I‘d want to reread…and reread…lol (edited) 14mo
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The Annotated Hobbit | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Douglas A. Anderson
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Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
I finished listening to The Hobbit last night, and spent some time this morning with the notes and illustrations in my annotated edition. I love this illustration of Smaug, and the lines from Bilbo‘s poem seem a perfect ending to another reread.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #audiobook #quote #reread

The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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Go, Bilbo!!!!
How Ho bit is coming into his own and even the dears have to acknowledge it.
I love seeing Bilbo's transformation, even when he is still afraid. His internal journey is has fantastic as his external one.

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The Annotated Hobbit | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Douglas A. Anderson
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I‘ve stayed caught up listening to chapters of The Hobbit, and tonight I spent a little time perusing the illustrations and notes in my print edition with supper. I always enjoy the “Barrels out of Bond” chapter as Bilbo continues to figure out how he can truly be independent, innovative, and helpful to the dwarves.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #ReadAndEat

The Annotated Hobbit | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Douglas A. Anderson
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I‘ll probably listen to the audio for the most part during this readalong, but I also love the annotated edition of The Hobbit. In chapter 1, “An Unexpected Party,” there are several different illustrations featuring Bilbo & Gandalf. These 2 are from the 1975 Romanian edition & the 1962 Portuguese edition.


gossamerchild I own this copy of The Hobbit and I adore it. 1y
Daisey @gossamerchild Agreed! It‘s fantastic! 1y
JazzFeathers There are so many, unusual illustrations in the Annotated Hobbit. I find it refreshing, because it seems as if Peter Jackson visuals have taken over any imagination of Middle-earth in the last couple of decades. 1y
Daisey @JazzFeathers Yes, it really is my favorite part of the annotated version. 1y
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The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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#BannedBooksWeek #BannedBooks

If you are a fan of Tolkien and The Hobbit, you're not alone! It's such a wonderful classic fantasy story that can be enjoyed by people of all ages!

But! It is a book that has been challenged/banned in the past! 😮 In fact, in 2001, a Christian extremist group burned copies of The Hobbit and other books by Tolkien because they felt the books contained witchcraft and satanic themes!

JazzFeathers 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶 11mo
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