This book was a good way to wrap up the series. I give it 3.5 pages out of 5. If you wanna hear my full review/rant here's a link to it:
This book was a good way to wrap up the series. I give it 3.5 pages out of 5. If you wanna hear my full review/rant here's a link to it:
3rd book in the series. Link is to a review I did over it. I'm new to this so any feedback is helpful! Thank ya'll!
#alionamongmen #bookreview #3rdbook #series #wicked #wickedyears #gregorymaguire #lions #oz
“Let me put it more scientifically. If separate species develop skills that help them survive, and if those attributes are favored which best benefit the individual and its native population, to what possible end might we suppose has arisen, Mr. Winter, that particular capacity of the human being known as the imagination?”
#AfterAlice #GregoryMaguire #lastline #book #books #Fantasy #Fiction #Retellings #HistoricalFiction #Audiobook #Adult ❤️🔥🐰
I picked this up at the library because they said they were doing a bookclub on it tomorrow and it was only 230pgs. Of which the last 80 were only the good ones. Oh man I hate read that first 150. It‘s Coming of age, Laura has just been kicked out her school. She‘s been raised by her Italian immigrant grandparents because her father and brother are dead and her mother has never recovered. It‘s Christmas and the household is getting ready for👇🏼
Ada brings to Wonderland her own imperfect apprehension of cause and effect as she embarks on an odyssey to find Alice and see her safely home from this surreal world below the world. If Eurydice can ever be returned to the arms of Orpheus, or Lazarus can be raised from the tomb, perhaps Alice can be returned to life.
#AfterAlice #GregoryMaguire #book #books #Fantasy #Fiction #Retellings #HistoricalFiction #Audiobook #Adult #FairyTales 💘💘💘💘💘
Were there a god in charge of story—I mean one cut to Old Testament specifics, some hybrid of Zeus and Father Christmas—such a creature, such a deity, might be looking down upon a day opening in Oxford, England, a bit past the half-way mark of the nineteenth century.
#AfterAlice #GregoryMaguire #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #Fantasy #Fiction #Retellings #HistoricalFiction #Audiobook #Adult #FairyTales #AdultFiction ❤️❤️
DNF, I‘ve had trouble getting into these last three books. I did do the audiobooks for them so that might be why. The narration can be a little dry, and there is battle and plans laid out that is a subject I‘m not very interested in.
“Let me put it more scientifically. If separate species develop skills that help them survive, and if those attributes are favored which best benefit the individual and its native population, to what possible end might we suppose has arisen, Mr. Winter, that particular capacity of the human being known as the imagination?”
#AfterAlice #GregoryMaguire #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookmark #Fantasy #Fiction #Retellings #HistoricalFiction ❤️
A couple years ago, a friend and I talked about WICKED and how I still hadn‘t read OUT OF OZ.
“It‘ll happen,” I said. “And when it comes time to review WICKED again, I‘m just gonna post a solid block of exclamation points.”
“DO IT!!!!” she said.
OUT OF OZ isn‘t WICKED. I don‘t love it the same way, but I DO love it—and on the whole, the series has got me all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!