Last book completed in October. I think what I enjoyed more was Watson relationship with Miss Morstan (no spoilers So sad to see Holmes in drug dependence. Those first pages were hard because no one like to see another human being in that trap, sick world. As expected, Holmes will solve the mystery by using a deduction method. 3/3.5⭐️
Other read 10 pts
Hours read 5 x 10 pts = 50
Readathons 6 x 10 = 60 pts
#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Dabbe @Cuilin
#Witchathon (part of a series)
#FrightFestbingo (classic)
#GottaCatch‘emAll (greed)
#AfterDarkBingo (:secret community)
#BodyCountBingo (event)
1 pt post
Total = 121 + 3,441 pts = 3,562 pts 5mo