When you are reading two entirely new books, but both have a characters who hve nicknames as 'rainmaker' seems odd and makes my brain hurt. #coincidence #makesmyreadinglifeharder #firstphonecallfromheaven #Elizaandhermonsters
When you are reading two entirely new books, but both have a characters who hve nicknames as 'rainmaker' seems odd and makes my brain hurt. #coincidence #makesmyreadinglifeharder #firstphonecallfromheaven #Elizaandhermonsters
Icecream after a 15 mile bike ride 🚲 and a novel as the cherry on top. #smoresundae #firstphonecallfromheaven #BuddyBuddybookclub #wonderfulweather #wonderfulcompany
Completed the reading for the first two weeks of #BuddyBuddyBookClub. I am looking forward to our first discussion of the book on #Saturday to see what everyone else thinks of it so far! #MitchAlbom #FirstPhoneCallFromHeaven #HeavenCalling #ChristianFiction