Cute Book of the Day (yesterday) #LibraryWork
“‘Weren't you wearing a purity ring when we got here? Aren't you supposed to be saving yourself?‘ Shanti asked.
‘Yeah,‘ Mary Lou answered. ‘And then I thought, for what? You save leftovers. My sex is not a leftover, and it is not a Christmas present.‘”
#QuotsyDec19 | 2: #Excess
📷: Made with Typorama
“One should never regret one's excesses, only one's failures of nerve.” #excess #QuotsyDec19
“Oh, I said a great many things! All sorts of odd ideas crept into my brain. Excess of grief may bring on quite as fine a bout of madness as an #excess of any thing else. Truth to tell, I was not quite myself for a time. Truth to tell, I was a little wild. But, as you see, that is all past now.” But–truth to tell–Sir Walter did not see at all.
Day 2 - #Excess #QuotsyDec19 #WinterGames #JingleBallers #HolidayLaugh #LitsyHumor #Meme
There are some people who would love to celebrate Christmas all-year-round if they could.
6 points