Fried Food and Fiction Friday! It‘s been a hard week😣😖
#Fabfiction #Nothelpingmydiet #Eatingmyfeelings #Rewardsselfwithfoodlikeadog #woof #readandnom
Fried Food and Fiction Friday! It‘s been a hard week😣😖
#Fabfiction #Nothelpingmydiet #Eatingmyfeelings #Rewardsselfwithfoodlikeadog #woof #readandnom
Lark Rise, take me away! Even with avoiding all tv and non-bookish internets, friends are still texting me. Ack, what is going on in this world?!?
#sonervous #eatingmyfeelings #movingabroad
This title has so many more meanings to me tonight as I stress out at work over the TV. #immovingtocanada #nonfictionnovember #laugh #eatingmyfeelings #movingabroad #ashamedofmycountry#photoadaynov16