While reading this book tonight with my stepdaughter, I couldn't help but react to this line. It struck a chord with me that I don't let many people in on. 😕
#sorrytobeadowner #debbiedowner #stronganyway ❤
While reading this book tonight with my stepdaughter, I couldn't help but react to this line. It struck a chord with me that I don't let many people in on. 😕
#sorrytobeadowner #debbiedowner #stronganyway ❤
#nofemmeber #debbiedowner
I had absolutely no idea who this character is so had to check on line. So whilst i don't think sonja necessarily fits the bill as Sonja is a middle age woman suffering from anxiety who is learning to drive but i fought I'd just mention it as a book of translated fiction that i really enjoyed this year.
An adorable children‘s book about a fish who thinks he‘s destined to be a #debbiedowner but at the end gains a new perspective when another fish sees him in a new light. “I‘m a pout-pout fish with a pout-pout face so I spread the dreary-wearies all over the place.” #NoFemmeBer @Cinfhen @Billypar
#nofemmeber #debbiedowner
In the book I just finished there‘s a character that fits this prompt and she‘s in charge of team morale!
But let‘s also give a cheer for the #debbiedowner They have something to say that other people don‘t want to hear but they say it anyway. ✊✊
DAY 9: The writing in this debut is so gorgeous, but that one inexplicable, gruesome moment is so fucked up. It totally ruined the book for me.
#debbiedowner #nofemmeber
Since I cannot think of a single book that qualifies for #DebbieDowner, you'll have to look at my butter chicken. A bit bland for my taste, but the kiddo was afraid of needing a gallon of milk if I made my regular Indian chicken dish.
#NoFemmeber @Billypar @Cinfhen
Talk about #debbiedowner. I am torn on this book, because the story itself was compelling but there were some fundamental flaws. The biggest one for me was the timeline. Smarsh tells the story of the women in her life—most were married multiple time. So it was difficult enough to follow in that regard but her timeline was non existent, which made it doubly difficult. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the flow of her story. #nofemmeber
I feel like a #Debbiedowner but with govt focus on building a wall and corporate greed excessive and supported, ACES scores are ignored for prevention, inherited trauma is proven- yet we continue to both create trauma and limit support to the two cultures our country inflicted generational trauma on. “I need a hero! I‘m holding out for a hero til the end of the night” http://www.metrolyrics.com/i-need-a-hero-lyrics-bonnie-tyler.html #nofemmeber