#crimesagainstcovers #photochallenge #dayfive. I don't own a physical copy but if I did I would of burnt it. This is going to divide the masses but I absolutely hated Anna's character. @ErinSueG
#crimesagainstcovers #photochallenge #dayfive. I don't own a physical copy but if I did I would of burnt it. This is going to divide the masses but I absolutely hated Anna's character. @ErinSueG
#crimesagainstcovers #photochallenge #dayfour. So this is from when we cleaned out my Nana's house after she passed away. She had a first edition 'Just So Stories' by Rudyard Kipling which originally was her fathers - it had no cover, ripped and missing pages and was extremely delicate, my brother tossed it not realising I wanted it. @ErinSueG
Catching up on days 4 & 5 of #crimesagainstcovers - This is the worst place I've rescued books from. In these bins, they are liable to be ripped or bent, and it is the last stop for these donated books before the recycling bin. But the books I am happy to leave there? (Day 5) The books featuring the smiling face of people recently shown to be hypocritical and criminal. Grrr.
A book I hated and destroyed....Sooooo I might have thrown a book away once... I had signed up for a fun monthly YA book box and they put this book in it..it‘s about talking to your loved ones about end of life care. It was the 2 year anniversary of my mom‘s death and I was completely horrified. I canceled my subscription and trashed the book. @ErinSueG #crimesagainstcovers
For the last #crimesagainstcovers post, it‘s all about the book I‘ve been most tempted to wreck. Lord, there are a lot of contenders, but I‘ve got to go with Regina‘s Song by David & Leigh Eddings. What a train wreck. Bad enough the plot hinges on a college age girl tricking a cop into running a license plate to find the owner (she claims it‘s because the driver was cute, but he‘s her sister‘s killer), which is implausible. (Con‘t in comments)
That feeling of dread when you see someone has tagged you in a Fifty Shades of Grey post. #SayWhaaaaaat?! Oh, it‘s just today‘s #crimesagainstcovers theme. Whew!
@ErinSueG #crimesagainstcovers Day 5: I really hated this book. I've read some weird shit but this one was disturbing beyond reason 🤢
Maybe I could put it under a leg of a wobbly table? Nah, couldn't bring myself to do it, lol!
Day 5 of #crimesagainstcovers oh man, I would love to have wrecked Hatchet! I can't even begin to describe what I would have done to it! Burn it, chop it up into little pieces, drowned it?! Too much? Can you tell that I disliked this book?
I HATED this book. But it's been to long to remember the details. Haha
#crimesagainstcovers @ErinSueG