The last #Borderless bookclub for three months 😭
...the way you wear that slicked-back hair you got... that white shell of yours, that totally fucking access-all areas skin, You're never going to understand what it is to be black, to be a poor fucker getting hassled twenty-four seven on your street, in your neighbourhood, in your city,
You don't know...what it is to be part of the race, getting ideas about being some defender of the cause, you cretin palm-heart opportunist...
This was a fabulous read. I love the paragraph-long sentences that capture the thought and speech patterns of the characters so well. Time runs in loops and sometimes you can‘t tell immediately when in the past/present something is happening. But it works so well to build the story of the MC‘s grappling with his identity and his family‘s place in Brazil.
Cold snap here so reading with blanket. Coincidental coordination.
Next up for #Borderless #bookclub
Looking forward to some more #Swedish reading that's not crime!
I'm on the last story! For once, on time for bookclub tomorrow.
#Borderless bookclub
#Indonesia #shortfiction
Off to #Indonesia with the #Borderless bookclub.
(Last time I checked, they had almost made 70% on the crowdfunder. Yeah! 👏👏👏)
So I am in this quite interesting book club called #borderless where we read translated books and speak with the translators and sometimes the authors. Our next book is this one from Norway
So I am having a nice bookish morning today! Happy Weekend everyone! My breakfast is a glorious peanut butter cheesecake from a bakery that is also an American Bookstore here in Krakow. The book wo n the #nationalbookaward for best book in translation. I am reading it for the book club #borderless