I have managed to start and finish two books since Amy passed away. But I find I can‘t read on the couch, where we usually made a cozy nest of blankets. Been reading in bed instead. My #BFFsoulsister designed this “neck party” necklace for me to always remember my best dog Amy (and her knack for jingling) by.
Mommamanzi What a sweet gift. Sending you love. 7y
PurpleyPumpkin 😞💕 7y
DivineDiana How thoughtful! Sending 💗 7y
bookandcat I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear one. It is terribly sad to lose a member of the family, even if others see "only" a pet ? ? 7y
mrsmarch @bookandcat Thanks. It‘s been Quite A Month. 🐾 7y