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The New Internationalist | New Internationalist Cooperative
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#NewInternaionalist #550 had abortion rights as its Big Issue, examining the global trend of liberalisation of laws & attitudes, against a right-wing patriarchal pushback, with the USA being one of 4 countries that have regressed. Which isn't to say that there aren't countries with more oppressive legislation.
I was interested to learn that abortion laws are relatively recent, being introduced about 1840 in USA to prevent enslaved people from ⬇️

Bookwomble ... “damaging their owners property“, and as a means for male drs to monopolise a medicalised and monetised childbirth process by stigmatising female midwives as unqualified and dangerous.
Other articles included nationalist support for pseudoscience in India, the plight of Palestinian writers and artists caught in the Israeli bombardment of Gaza, and a scathing review of Liz Truss's fantasy novel - er, I mean political memoir 🥬
A good issue: 5⭐
(edited) 4mo
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The New Internationalist | New Internationalist Cooperative
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NI #550 has a feature on the album "Pasya", recorded 2021 to raise awareness & funds for the Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), a #Philippines based NGO seeking change in the country's ban on abortion unless it is to "save the woman's life", despite the fact that lack of abortion services leads to thousands more deaths of pregnant people.
The album is a mix of female Filipino artists "offering danceable hip-hop, stunning ⬇️

Bookwomble ... near-gospel like anthems and fresh melodies" [NME]. It's a good album, and a worthy cause.
I'm claiming this article as my first entry for the #ReadingOceania2024 challenge, which I've utterly neglected!
NME Article: https://www.nme.com/news/music/pasya-album-destigmatising-abortion-in-the-philip...
Bookwomble Album free streaming and download site: https://pasya.decriminalizeabortion.ph/
WGNRR site to make a donation: https://wgnrr.org/
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The New Internationalist | New Internationalist Cooperative
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The arrival today of the latest #NewInternationalist magazine (#550, Abortion: Why is Your Body Still a Battleground?) reminded me that I have a year's backlog to read! 😳
I do enjoy NI, it's not a chore, but it can be heavy.
I missed one, and then they just accumulated. We're on holiday next week, so while I definitely won't read them all, I'll try to read a couple, at least. Probably start with the latest, then the oldest and work through. 📚