This seems totally legit!!! I think Timber is on to something here!!!
#timberhawkeye #buddhistbootcamp #20hourworkweek
Rachel.Rencher I love this! Except I couldn't pay rent on 20 hours a week. 😜 6y
GingerAntics @Rachel.Rencher right? He says it‘s all about choices...but I‘m like dude I can‘t even get a lease around here working part time. I barely have a roof over my head. I‘m going to need you to explain this better. Just sayin. 6y
GingerAntics @Rachel.Rencher although I do think that if everyone (of almost everyone) went to this 20 hour work week, things would have to be cheaper or no one would be able to afford it so all these companies would just go out of business. 🤷🏼♀️ Just a thought. It would basically have to be all of society saying “yeah we‘re not doing this anymore, we want to enjoy life. Thanks.” Which, of course, will never happen. 6y
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GingerAntics @Rachel.Rencher when I said he was on to something, I was just saying that this would give people more work/life balance and would prevent a lot of physical and mental illnesses. Unfortunately, I don‘t think it‘s actually workable for most people. He‘s found a way to make it work in Hawaii, but I know plenty of people (I am one of these people) who can only find part time work, and we all struggle to make ends meet and keep roofs over our heads. 6y
Chrissyreadit @GingerAntics one of the many things that has frustrated me about economics is that the system is rigged against us because we live in a global capitalist driven market. That does not mean I‘m 100% socialist either- but if we look at economies in Norway and Finland we would see a work life balance. They recognize that we need both. Prior to the 80‘s it was common for one parent to work but the global market created a system that required two to 6y
Chrissyreadit Work and singles to need 2-3 jobs. The best would be 20 hours a week and all minimum needs- food, housing , utilities are covered. Then people could work more for luxuries like better homes, better vehicles, vacations, etc. of course I believe quality health care and quality education should also be provided via taxes- but again, if you want specialty things you would pay for yourself. Or even provide so many hours/ years of service for education (edited) 6y
Chrissyreadit That could be spread out over years- and still provide ample opportunity for work life balance. I loved Buddhist Boot Camp, but where you live and past life events as well as family commitments impact the choices we make all the time. I do get angry when people suggest it‘s our choices. Not always true. 6y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit that is my struggle with this book, as well. I think it‘s a rather simplistic view of why people choose what they choose, but like he said this is his life and what works for him. I also don‘t particularly like the part about “you choose to suffer.” So how are you choosing to suffer when someone else causes your suffering? There was a part in here about “if you‘re being abused, have enough self respect to walk away.” Well, how does 6y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit that work for kids being abused? Kids chat just walk away. I‘d love to have a conversation with this guy. He seems like an interesting person. There is a lot in this book I genuinely agree with, so I‘m not throwing the baby out with the bath water. I just don‘t think this is all realistic for most people. Not because of priorities, either, but because of the way our world works. 6y
Weaponxgirl @Chrissyreadit loving this conversation guys. I think there‘s always a choice, but sometimes the options are unworkable. As in if I don‘t work this much I starve and I‘m homeless. It‘s a choice but not a realistic one that anyone can make. And as you say family commitments make things much harder. I can take risks someone who needs to provide stability for others can‘t. Things are never simple and people have different needs both physically and 6y
Weaponxgirl @Chrissyreadit mentally. 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics I know people who say you choose to suffer never mean it badly but I think it can have a negative impact on people with clinical depression and other mental health issues. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I totally agree with that. I think it comes down to knowing what your workable options are, even if the only one is what you‘re already doing, and then making that work. I‘d love to sell everything I own and move to Hawaii, but I wouldn‘t be able to pull that off the way he did. I think different temperaments need to be taken into account as well. There are people that like more structure and others that are more chill. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I think it can have a very negative impact on people with mental health issues, physical health issues, and abuse histories. To say how I think about/deal with/ do with my past abuse can impact how it effects me now is one thing. That‘s true. To say my choices cause my suffering is dangerous. I was a kid. What did I choose? I was traumatized. What did I choose? Someone else made choices that I didn‘t get a say in. (edited) 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics oh god yes! I love reading about free spirited people who travel at the drop of a hat with just a backpack with a change of clothes ect but I need a Homebase! I will suffer mentally otherwise 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I think the same can be said about any kind of trauma. We shouldn‘t tell rape victims or soldiers their choices did this. “You chose to be a soldier so just choose something different now and your PTSD will just go away.” Not only is that ass hole to the highest degree, it‘s completely delusional and incorrect. I think it‘s a mentality that people need to be INCREDIBLY careful with. 6y
Chrissyreadit @GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I agree. I know many people who struggle. And foster kids who age out statistically struggle significantly. It is maddening and heartbreaking. I know many good people who describe sacrifices they made and do not understand how privileged they are to have an option to make sacrifices. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl precisely!!! Same here. Mentally I would not be healthy without a home base. 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics yes! And different people need different things to get to a point where things are manageable for them. 6y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit right? There is a certain privilege to choosing to make sacrifices. People don‘t understand that. Meanwhile, there are plenty of people who make sacrifices not by choice, but because it‘s survival. They choose to go without things they need because they just need something else more or because their kid needs something too, and that‘s their priority. (edited) 6y
Weaponxgirl @Chrissyreadit yes! I‘ve had things harder than a lot of people but I‘ve also had a lot of options others in similar situations to myself don‘t have. It‘s about awareness on how others might feel and why they can‘t just do what you did. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl exactly. We all need to remember that there is no one size-fits-all solution to anything. He‘s upfront about that. He says multiple times “this is my life and what worked for me, that doesn‘t mean it‘s going to be your thing,” so I feel like he‘s got at least some knowledge of that, but then he admits telling people to just make different choices when they ask about how to make it work for them, so it‘s not a complete knowledge. 6y
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