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This was an excellent addition to the story of Sleepy Hollow. Ben, a youmg trans boy lives in Sleepy Hollow and starts to see the killings of the children and soon learns of creatures that lurk in the first just outside the town. Excellent! Engaging and wonderful.

#Scarathlon #TeamMonsterMash #15pts plus 1 Participation

wordslinger42 I've read some of her other books, but haven't given this one a try yet! 2y
rsteve388 @wordslinger42 it's excellent. Have you read Near the Bone.. that book is horrifying... It's at the top of my scariest reads. (Of the books by her that I have read..) 2y
wordslinger42 @rsteve388 I haven't! I've always been a huge wimp about scary things and I'm just starting to read some creepy books 😂 2y
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HeathHof Hey, did you get The Magpies? 2y
rsteve388 @HeathHof I don't know I'll.check my mail when I get home and get back.tp.tou 2y
rsteve388 @HeathHof No magpie yet will check mail.when I get home 2y
HeathHof I just checked the tracking and it said delivered on the 5th 2y
rsteve388 Welp it's gone cause I don't have anything. Shoot. @HeathHof 2y
HeathHof Ugh! So frustrating..I'll file a claim but idk if that will do anything, I've never had to file one. If it doesn't turn up I will buy Maggie another copy but I'm done with LMPBC this is the second time I've had to replace books because of the postal service. 2y
rsteve388 @HeathHof let me go to the post office tomorrow after work and see if it got held up there... I'll let you know what I find out. 2y
HeathHof Ok thank you. It says delivered to mailbox at 7 something P.M 2y
rsteve388 @HeathHof the only package I got was my litsylove fall swap. So I will talk to them tomorrow and see what's up. It's 6:41pm here so I should get today's mail.sometine in the next 45 mins so if it shows up tonight.. we are all good. 2y
HeathHof Hey, any luck on your end? None here. 2y
rsteve388 @HeathHof No luck what so ever. Damn shame I am missing a swap package too. 2y
HeathHof Oh boy, that's not good. I'll amazon a copy to you but I feel so bad because it won't have any of the first 3 group members notes in it, which is such a bummer! I'm still waiting for your book to come from @LoverOfLearning so it'll be late, just an FYI. @Maggie4483 I'm so sorry that the magpies got lost in the mail☹️ 2y
HeathHof The new copy us set to get to you tomorrow 2y
Maggie4483 @HeathHof no apology necessary. I'm sorry I won't get to see the notes, too, but it's not your fault at all. Thank you for letting me know! @LoverOfLearning, did you ever get The Final Girl Support Group? 2y
HeathHof Thank you for understanding♡ @Maggie4483 2y
rsteve388 @HeathHof I'll be on the lookout! 2y
HeathHof @rsteve it Says delivered..did it make it? 2y
LoverOfLearning Yes I did get the book and I'm sending Chasing the Boogeyman your way @HeathHof sorry it got lost in my move. But it will be at your door. 2y
LoverOfLearning That is sad about the Magpies. But I'm sure it'll pop up in a few weeks !fingers crossed @rsteve388 @HeathHof 2y
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