A CONFESSION hanging out with a few books that inspired it. #existentialism
A CONFESSION hanging out with a few books that inspired it. #existentialism
While this isn't in the database, @BillAicher whipped up a creepy little story, as indicated on the title page! This is a total 🤘 pick from me! It had a very Twilight Zone feel and easily calls to mind a great favorite of mine, Richard Matheson! Definitely get a hold of this little guy if you can and you'll never feel the same way about an itch again!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
FREE ON KINDLE through tomorrow, then back to $9.99. Get your copy now! #kindle #thriller #literaryfiction #existentialism #camus #sartre #kafka
Who wants a free copy? First one to request it gets it. 📬📕😆
You all ready? 8 PM Eastern TONIGHT the very first ever LIVE reading of an entire novel by its author, streamed live on Facebook and Periscope! #author #livestream #writerslife #writer
the original, minimalist cover for A Confession from before it was published by GenZ
New review of my latest novel, A CONFESSION, just posted to amazon. Had to share it. :)
So I'm self-promoting here, but if you are looking for something new and unique to read, check out my latest novel A Confession. Reader reviews have been pretty positive on amazon etc. If you do read it, be sure to leave a review here on litsy too. :)