I‘ve finally managed to finish this book. I disliked almost every page.
I‘ve finally managed to finish this book. I disliked almost every page.
For the most part I don't understand these characters any more than they understand themselves and each other. So I become inordinately pleased when someone makes sense. 😆
The book has been mercifully free of loins until the last few pages of Ch. XXIII. 9 instances of loins, 8 of thighs, at least 5 cases of flanks, and more dark and darkness than I managed to keep track of.
Really must make note of the phrase "suave perfect loins and thighs of darkness". ?
I read about half of this book back in January before I couldn‘t take it anymore. Now I‘m trying to finish it, but it‘s a hard task. It‘s just so preposterous!
#GetMovin ##Ibelieveinathingcalledlove
Another favourite read of mine many years ago was DH Lawrence - ive not reread but maybe on my next Classics challenge i should go back to these editions that are still on my bookshelves.
My mom found this bookish pencil holder while cleaning out my grandmothers house. I decided to make it my bookmark holder since I have so many just laying around.
SO MANY WORDS! Such preposterous speech making. The TL;DR version is "I want to have casual, no strings attached sex with you, but I'm too much of an asshat to just say so; I must make it sound mystical".
Dude! No. Hate is not the word you're looking for. This book ought to be called "Men in Love and Denial - a Bromance".
Well, I finished it.
Very moody and philosophical, but not a lot happens. I‘m sure it was very controversial when it was published, but it‘s not radical at all by today‘s societal standards. A few events take place that are sort of exciting, but this is not a plot-driven book by any stretch of the imagination.
The narration was good, so that‘s something! 😃
You can‘t tell from the frozen river, but things were thawing today for my #audiowalk 😃
I spent the majority of it listening to a puzzling wrestling match and wanting to shake Ursula.
Still haven‘t located a plot.
But... How fearfully good! How frightfully nice! 😂😂😂
More than half way through... really pretty language and descriptions, and I giggle a little from time to time, but mainly I‘m wondering if we are going to have a plot of some kind? 😂
New work week, new audiobook for the commute.
Second book of the month for Reading 1001. 😃
#1001, Finished January BOTM for #Reading1001. It was a 3.6 in my rating system.
I‘m listening to this, but I can‘t say I‘m enjoying it much. I can appreciate the detail of some of the description, but I don‘t like or care about any of the characters.
#1001books #Reading1001 #audiobook #Hoopla
Not that this was bad, exactly, but how has it survived 100 years? Not particularly well written and all over the place, this novel seems to be about indecision and desire. Lots of plot lines go nowhere. Passion! Love! Hate! Indecision! Death! Darkness darkness darkness. In any case, I‘m done! #1001books #192/1305
#Reading1001. #January #BOTM. I‘m about 1/4 into the book. Characters are something else.
Used Bookstores make me happy. #WomeninLove #TheHouseofSevenGables #SonsandLovers #TheBridgeatSanLuisRey #AllQuietontheWesternFront #1001books
Started my monthly group read. Made it through the 50 pages of biographical and editorial info. Might actually start the text tonight 😂 #1001books
I stopped reading this book half way through. The characters are unbelievably one-dimensional, with their entire personalities put down to one defining characteristic. The dialogue is unreal, and the writing is boring. Honestly this novel is very much a product of its time (Modernism) but I can't help but dislike it for that. Lawrence's obvious dislike for his female characters doesn't help this book's case either.
The weather today in Malta is shit, I woke up late and kind of hungover after a night out, and need something completely relaxing to do. Let's get through this book...