I am so looking forward to this book and recipe swap! See @BennettBookworm for details and to sign up! #recipeswap
I am so looking forward to this book and recipe swap! See @BennettBookworm for details and to sign up! #recipeswap
Lovely little discovery from my local library. Might make this dish soon.
Reading under a blanket with a book light because I'm Quirky and Not Like Other Readers. 🙄😂 I'm not that obnoxious I swear. I just like sitting under blankets because it is the only safe spot on the planet thank u
So anyways. Here is 1 of 45 books I still have out from the library. Cute little album of famous meals from literature 💞
And here's a pretty #earthcolored #earthy picture from the inside of fictitious dishes (from a Hemingway story "big two-hearted river"). #aprilbookshowers
This fun book has a nice #earthtonedcover. It's a good one to flip through and see pictures of dishes described in books along with the quote. #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading (oops: just realized I'm a day early on this prompt - it's been that kind of week).
You know those times when you feel down for a variety of reasons & it seems like there is a doom cloud hanging over your head?🌧😶That's the way this month has been-especially this week. Then yesterday, a friend I made at the coffeeshop brought me a copy of this book because she follows my blog & Instagram & likes the book/food pairings I do. She said she saw it, thought of me &, ordered a copy. Such a sweet thing to do-it totally made my day.😊💜
Living for years in PDX & Seattle, I'm used to great indie bookstores & they're lacking here so I'm jealous of all the #getindie posts. The main indie bookstore here is 40-mins away in Kailua. Had a meeting that way today & ran by. It's usually a hit or miss & a jumble of shelves/piles of new & used as you can see in the pics but I managed to find used copies of a longtime TBR list book & a fun foodie book for $14.45. But yeah...still jealous!😀