Almost a so-so but there was just enough there to keep me reading. At times it was really cheesy but ended on a high note. I would rather read about Quinn and Alaric, though, they're Story seems so much more interesting.
Almost a so-so but there was just enough there to keep me reading. At times it was really cheesy but ended on a high note. I would rather read about Quinn and Alaric, though, they're Story seems so much more interesting.
I did a Goodreads search looking for books for #mythslegendsofthesea since I couldn't find anything on my shelves, and this series popped up. Has anyone read these? I'm sorely tempted to add at least the first one to my #TBR. #whatawaytolive #pirateslife #romantsy
Home from Barbara Vey Reader Appreciation Weekend where I got to meet Alyssa. Super sweet person with a great sense of humor!
#booksetbythesea or at least ON the sea. I actually can't even remember when or where or why I have Atlantis rising. I'm still unpacking from a move and found that in a random box. Gotta love those unexpected treasures 😉