Finished Day 1of #20in4 with 5h20min
And is done with Slipt Second, @Andrew65 you were 100% right; Baldacci's books go very quick
Starting House of Sky and Breath next.
Should carry me through the #ReadAThon
Finished Day 1of #20in4 with 5h20min
And is done with Slipt Second, @Andrew65 you were 100% right; Baldacci's books go very quick
Starting House of Sky and Breath next.
Should carry me through the #ReadAThon
Winter is early this year...
More reading under the blanket time☺️
Thought this was a great first book in the series! I really haven't read a bad Baldacci book to date. Looking forward to the second book 😊
David Baldacci is one of my favorite authors. I fell for him when I read First Family book 4 of the Sean King and Michelle Maxwell series. Split Second is the first in the series, and is the how to the beginning of their agency.
I like Baldacci because he does write series, but each book can be read as a stand-a-lone. His characters are all great and the plots to his books have great speed for the plot.
I stayed in bed late this morning just to finish it! A kidnapping of a presidential candidate has flavor from a similar incident 8 years before. The 2 Secret Service Agents whose careers were destroyed by these crimes investigate the similarities....with a hint of future romance.
What a great book, never read Baldacci, first time and not disappointed!