This is how one does proper urban fantasy.
#photoadaynov16 #day13 #disabilities This book, from the author of Sandman Slim,has a blind woman as one of the main characters.Spyder Lee is a tattooist in SanFrancisco until one night when a demon attacks him & he's saved by a sword wielding blind demon hunter,but the it has infected Spyder with the ability to see the world behind our world.With a blind woman as his guide,he must find out why the worlds are now touching before all things end.
#somethingforsept #septemberphotochallenge #day15 #weirdbooks This is the books that made me go 'huh? But wasn't this, when did that, what the hell???' I think The Library At Mount Char seems to be on most people's list of batshit crazy weird but good books of 2016. I think you can definitely add The Crow Girl onto that list, plus add the adjective creepy.