#thankfulthoughts @eggs
Day 3 Spouse
Thank you @eggs for doing this!
#thankfulthoughts @eggs
Day 3 Spouse
Thank you @eggs for doing this!
Being restricted to mostly #audiobooks at the moment (for medical reasons) has me digging deeper into my library‘s holdings. I enjoyed Massey‘s more recent Perveen Mistry series so I‘m pleased to find this older series. The first volume introduces MC Rei, a Japanese American woman living in Tokyo in the 1990s. It‘s a cozy mystery with a dash of romance and I liked this well enough to be already immersed in book 2.
“I drove up separately, thinking I would save time. It turns out I could have read Tale of the Genji in the time it took.”
"My readers have taught me that the very act of picking up a book is a declaration of wanting to step out of one's world." ~Sujata Massey. Thanks to MWA for sending this essay & great TBR collage to my job! (You give awards to a lot of white guys, MWA, but you're working on it.) #TBR #diversemysteries #womenwriters
This is a great series about a 27-year old Japanese-American living in Tokyo who gets caught up in a mysterious murder. Much, but not all, of the series takes place in Japan. I'd put it in the cozy mystery category, but it's been a long time since I read them so I might be wrong. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #setinasia