Book 25 of the year. Read #bannedbooks.
Book 25 of the year. Read #bannedbooks.
Here‘s a #longtimefed post “about books.”
If you think politics doesn‘t affect your reading life, consider book banning. Consider libraries* and librarians and even bookstores being censored / threatened / defunded.
I worked for many years at an organization under the umbrella of an academic organization for Defense and civilian professionals. It has an award winning library. I liked to peruse the “leisure reading” section of “popular” books.
This book just got banned. Get a copy!
First, the data in the database does not match up with the first in the series…
Moore writes based on her childhood, growing up with freckles and red hair. The narrative discusses appearance and being oneself, with a bit of humor. Fun read. #PictureBook #BBRC #LetterF